Source code for tartufo.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import os
import pathlib
import stat
import tempfile
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
from functools import lru_cache, partial
from hashlib import blake2s
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Pattern

import click
import git

from tartufo import types
from tartufo.types import Rule

    from tartufo.scanner import Issue  # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
    from tartufo.scanner import ScannerBase  # pylint: disable=cyclic-import

DATETIME_FORMAT: str = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

[docs]def del_rw(_func: Callable, name: str, _exc: Exception) -> None: """Attempt to grant permission to and force deletion of a file. This is used as an error handler for `shutil.rmtree`. :param _func: The original calling function :param name: The name of the file to try removing :param _exc: The exception raised originally when the file was removed """ os.chmod(name, stat.S_IWRITE) os.remove(name)
def convert_regexes_to_rules(regexes: Dict[str, Pattern]) -> Dict[str, Rule]: return { name: Rule(name=name, pattern=pattern, path_pattern=None) for name, pattern in regexes.items() }
[docs]def echo_result( options: "types.GlobalOptions", scanner: "ScannerBase", repo_path: str, output_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path], ) -> None: """Print all found issues out to the console, optionally as JSON. :param options: Global options object :param scanner: ScannerBase containing issues and excluded paths from config tree :param repo_path: The path to the repository the issues were found in :param output_dir: The directory that issue details were written out to """ now ="T", "microseconds") if options.json: output = { "scan_time": now, "project_path": repo_path, "output_dir": str(output_dir) if output_dir else None, "excluded_paths": [str(path.pattern) for path in scanner.excluded_paths], "excluded_signatures": [ str(signature) for signature in options.exclude_signatures ], "found_issues": [issue.as_dict() for issue in scanner.issues], } click.echo(json.dumps(output)) else: if not scanner.issues: if not options.quiet: click.echo(f"Time: {now}\nAll clear. No secrets detected.") else: click.echo("\n".join([str(issue) for issue in scanner.issues])) if options.verbose > 0: click.echo("\nExcluded paths:") click.echo("\n".join([path.pattern for path in scanner.excluded_paths])) click.echo("\nExcluded signatures:") click.echo("\n".join(options.exclude_signatures))
[docs]def write_outputs(found_issues: "List[Issue]", output_dir: pathlib.Path) -> List[str]: """Write details of the issues to individual files in the specified directory. :param found_issues: The list of issues to be written out :param output_dir: The directory where the files should be written """ result_files = [] for issue in found_issues: result_file = output_dir / f"{uuid.uuid4()}.json" result_file.write_text(json.dumps(issue.as_dict())) result_files.append(str(result_file)) return result_files
[docs]def clone_git_repo( git_url: str, target_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None ) -> pathlib.Path: """Clone a remote git repository and return its filesystem path. :param git_url: The URL of the git repository to be cloned :param target_dir: Where to clone the repository to :raises types.GitRemoteException: If there was an error cloning the repository """ if not target_dir: project_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() else: project_path = str(target_dir) try: git.Repo.clone_from(git_url, project_path) except git.GitCommandError as exc: raise types.GitRemoteException(exc.stderr.strip()) from exc return pathlib.Path(project_path)
style_ok = partial(, fg="bright_green") # pylint: disable=invalid-name style_error = partial(, fg="red", bold=True) # pylint: disable=invalid-name style_warning = partial(, fg="bright_yellow") # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def fail(msg: str, ctx: click.Context, code: int = 1) -> None: """Print out a styled error message and exit. :param msg: The message to print out to the user :param ctx: A context from a currently executing Click command :param code: The exit code to use; must be >= 1 """ click.echo(style_error(msg), err=True) ctx.exit(code)
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=None) def generate_signature(snippet: str, filename: str) -> str: """Generate a stable hash signature for an issue found in a commit. These signatures are used for configuring excluded/approved issues, such as secrets intentionally embedded in tests. :param snippet: A string which was found as a potential issue during a scan :param filename: The file where the issue was found """ return blake2s("{}$${}".format(snippet, filename).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
[docs]def extract_commit_metadata( commit: git.Commit, branch: git.FetchInfo ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Grab a consistent set of metadata from a git commit, for user output. :param commit: The commit to extract the data from :param branch: What branch the commit was found on """ return { "commit_time": datetime.fromtimestamp(commit.committed_date).strftime( DATETIME_FORMAT ), "commit_message": commit.message, "commit_hash": commit.hexsha, "branch":, }
[docs]def get_strings_of_set( word: str, char_set: Iterable[str], threshold: int = 20 ) -> List[str]: """Split a "word" into a set of "strings", based on a given character set. The returned strings must have a length, at minimum, equal to `threshold`. This is meant for extracting long strings which are likely to be things like auto-generated passwords, tokens, hashes, etc. :param word: The word to be analyzed :param char_set: The set of characters used to compose the strings (i.e. hex) :param threshold: The minimum length for what is accepted as a string """ count: int = 0 letters: str = "" strings: List[str] = [] for char in word: if char in char_set: letters += char count += 1 else: if count > threshold: strings.append(letters) letters = "" count = 0 if count > threshold: strings.append(letters) return strings