
tartufo has a wide variety of options to customize its operation available on the command line. Some of these options, however, can be a bit unwieldy and lead to an overly cumbersome command. It also becomes difficult to reliably reproduce the same command in all environments when done this way.

To help with these problems, tartufo can also be configured by way of a configuration file! You can tell tartufo what config file to use, or, it will automatically discover one for you. Starting in the current working directory, and traversing backward up the directory tree, it will search for both a tartufo.toml and a pyproject.toml. The latter is searched for as a matter of convenience for Python projects, such as tartufo itself. For an example of the tree traversal, let’s say you running tartufo from the directory /home/my_user/projects/my_project. tartufo will look for the configuration files first in this directory, then in /home/my_user/projects/, then in /home/my_user, etc.

Within these files, tartufo will look for a section labeled [tool.tartufo] to find its configuration, and will load all items from there just as though they had been specified on the command line. This file must be written in the TOML format, which should look mostly familiar if you have dealt with any other configuration file format before.

All command line options can be specified in the configuration file, with or without the leading dashes, and using either dashes or underscores for word separators. When the configuration is read in, this will all be normalized automatically. For example, the configuration for tartufo itself looks like this:

repo-path = "."
json = false
regex = true
entropy = true
exclude-path-patterns = [
 {path-pattern = 'poetry\.lock'},
 {path-pattern = 'pyproject\.toml'},
 # To not have to escape `\` in regexes, use single quoted
 # TOML 'literal strings'
 {path-pattern = 'docs/source/(.*)\.rst'},
exclude-signatures = [
    {signature = "62f22e4500140a6ed959a6143c52b0e81c74e7491081292fce733de4ec574542"},
    {signature = "ecbbe1edd6373c7e2b88b65d24d7fe84610faafd1bc2cf6ae35b43a77183e80b"},

Note that all options specified in a configuration file are treated as defaults, and will be overridden by any options specified on the command line.

For a full list of available command line options, check out the Usage document.

Excluding Signatures

You might see the following header in the output for an issue:


Looking at this information, it’s clear that this issue was found in a test file, and it’s probably okay. Of course, you will want to look at the actual body of what was found and determine that for yourself. But let’s say that this really is okay, and we want tell tartufo to ignore this issue in future scans. To do this, you can either specify it on the command line…

> tartufo -e 2a3cb329b81351e357b09f1b97323ff726e72bd5ff8427c9295e6ef68226e1d1
# No output! Success!

Or you can add it to your config file, so that this exclusion is always remembered!

exclude-signatures = [

Done! This particular issue will no longer show up in your scan results.

As of version 3.0, a new format for specifying exclusion signatures has been added.

exclude-signatures = [
    {signature = "2a3cb329b81351e357b09f1b97323ff726e72bd5ff8427c9295e6ef68226e1d1", reason = "reason for exclusion"},


Currently all 3 formats of signature exclusions are supported. However, only TOML array of tables format will be supported in future versions.

Limiting Scans by Path

You can include or exclude paths for scanning using Python Regular Expressions (regex) and the –include-path-patterns and –exclude-path-patterns options.


Using include patterns is more dangerous, since it’s easy to miss the creation of new secrets if future files don’t match an existing include rule. We recommend only using fine-grained exclude patterns instead.

include-path-patterns = [
   # regexes must match the entire path, but can use python's regex syntax
   # for case-insensitive matching and other advanced options
   # Single quoted strings in TOML don't require escapes for `\` in regexes
exclude-path-patterns = [

The filter expressions can also be specified as command line arguments. Patterns specified like this are merged with any patterns specified in the config file:

> tartufo \
  --include-path-patterns 'src/' -ip 'gradle/' \
  --exclude-path-patterns '(.*/)?\.classpath$' -xp '.*\.jmx$' \
  scan-local-repo file://path/to/my/repo.git

As of version 3.0, a new format for specifying paths has been added.

include-path-patterns = [
   {path-pattern = 'src/', reason='reason for inclusion'},
exclude-path-patterns = [
   {path-pattern = 'poetry\.lock', reason='reason for exclusion'},


Currently all 3 formats are supported. However, only TOML array of tables format will be supported in future versions.

Configuration File Exclusive Options

New in version 3.0.

As of version 3.0, we have added several configuration options which are available only in the configuration file. This is due to the nature of their construction, and the fact that they would be exceedingly difficult to represent on the command line.

Rule Patterns

New in version 3.0.

tartufo comes bundled with a number of regular expression rules that it will check your code for by default. If you would like to scan for additional regular expressions, you may add them to your configuration with the rule-patterns directive. This directive utilizes a TOML array of tables, and thus can take one of two forms:

Option 1: Keeping it contained in your [tool.tartufo] table.

rule-patterns = [
    {reason = "RSA private key 2", pattern = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----"},
    {reason = "Null characters in GitHub Workflows", pattern = '\0', path-pattern = '\.github/workflows/(.*)\.yml'}

Option 2: Separating each rule out into its own table.

reason = "RSA private key 2"
pattern = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----"

reason = "Null characters in GitHub Workflows"
pattern = '\0'
path-pattern = '\.github/workflows/(.*)\.yml'


There are 3 different keys used here: reason, pattern, and path-pattern. Only reason and pattern are required. If no path-pattern is specified, then the pattern will be used to scan against all files.

Entropy Exclusion Patterns

Entropy scans can produce a high number of false positive matches such as git SHAs or MD5 digests. To avoid these false positives, you can use the exclude-entropy-patterns configuration option. These patterns will be applied to and matched against any strings flagged by entropy checks. As above, this directive utilizes an array of tables, enabling two forms:

Option 1:

exclude-entropy-patterns = [
    {path-pattern = 'docs/.*\.md$', pattern = '^[a-zA-Z0-9]$', reason = 'exclude all git SHAs in the docs'},
    {path-pattern = '\.github/workflows/.*\.yml', pattern = 'uses: .*@[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}', reason = 'GitHub Actions'}

Option 2:

path-pattern = 'docs/.*\.md$'
pattern = '^[a-zA-Z0-9]$'
reason = 'exclude all git SHAs in the docs'

path-pattern = '\.github/workflows/.*\.yml'
pattern = 'uses: .*@[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}'
reason = 'GitHub Actions'

There are 5 relevant keys for this directive, as described below.







Regular expression

The pattern used to check against the match



Regular expression

A pattern to specify to what files the exclusion will apply




A plaintext reason the exclusion has been added



String (“match” or “scope”)

Whether to perform a search or match regex operation



String (“word” or “line”)

Whether to match against the current word or full line of text