This part of the documentation lists the full API reference of all public classes and functions.
- tartufo.config.compile_path_rules(patterns)[source]¶
Take a list of regex strings and compile them into patterns.
Any line starting with # will be ignored.
- tartufo.config.compile_rules(patterns)[source]¶
Take a list of regex string with paths and compile them into a List of Rule.
- tartufo.config.configure_regexes(include_default=True, rule_patterns=None, rules_repo=None, rules_repo_files=None)[source]¶
Build a set of regular expressions to be used during a regex scan.
- Parameters
include_default (
) – Whether to include the built-in set of regexesrules_files – A list of files to load rules from
rule_patterns (
]]]) – A set of previously-collected rulesrules_repo (
]) – A separate git repository to load rules fromrules_repo_files (
]]) – A set of patterns used to find files in the rules repo
- Return type
- Returns
Set of Rule objects to be used for regex scans
- tartufo.config.load_config_from_path(config_path, filename=None, traverse=True)[source]¶
Scan a path for a configuration file, and return its contents.
All key names are normalized to remove leading “-“/”–” and replace “-” with “_”. For example, “–repo-path” becomes “repo_path”.
In addition to checking the specified path, if
, this will traverse up through the directory structure, looking for a configuration file in parent directories. For example, given this directory structure:working_dir/ |- tartufo.toml |- group1/ | |- project1/ | | |- tartufo.toml | |- project2/ |- group2/ |- tartufo.toml |- project1/ |- project2/ |- tartufo.toml
The following
values will load the configuration files at the corresponding paths:config_path
- Parameters
- Raises
FileNotFoundError – If no config file was found
types.ConfigException – If a config file was found, but could not be read
- Return type
]]- Returns
A tuple consisting of the config file that was discovered, and the contents of that file loaded in as TOML data
- tartufo.config.load_rules_from_file(rules_file)[source]¶
Load a set of JSON rules from a file and return them as compiled patterns.
- Parameters
rules_file (
) – An open file handle containing a JSON dictionary of regexes- Raises
ValueError – If the rules contain invalid JSON
- Return type
- tartufo.config.read_pyproject_toml(ctx, _param, value)[source]¶
Read config values from a file and load them as defaults.
- Parameters
ctx (
) – A context from a currently executing Click command_param (
) – The command parameter that triggered this callbackvalue (
) – The value passed to the command parameter
- Raises
click.FileError – If there was a problem loading the configuration
- Return type
- class tartufo.scanner.FolderScanner(global_options, target, recurse)[source]¶
Used to scan a folder.
Used for scanning a folder.
- Parameters
global_options (
) – The options provided to the top-level tartufo commandtarget (
) – The local filesystem path to scanrecurse (
) – Whether to recurse into sub-folders of the target
- b64_entropy_limit¶
Returns low entropy limit for suspicious base64 encodings
- static calculate_entropy(data)¶
Calculate the Shannon entropy for a piece of data.
This essentially calculates the overall probability for each character in data to be to be present. By doing this, we can tell how random a string appears to be.
Adapted from http://blog.dkbza.org/2007/05/scanning-data-for-entropy-anomalies.html
- property completed: bool¶
Return True if scan has completed
- Returns
True if scan has completed; False if scan is in progress
- compute_scaled_entropy_limit(maximum_bitrate)¶
Determine low entropy cutoff for specified bitrate
- property config_data: MutableMapping[str, Any]¶
Supplemental configuration to be merged into the *_options information.
- entropy_string_is_excluded(string, line, path)¶
Find whether the signature of some data has been excluded in configuration.
- evaluate_entropy_string(chunk, line, string, min_entropy_score)¶
Check entropy string using entropy characters and score.
- property excluded_entropy: List[Rule]¶
Get a list of regexes used as an exclusive list of paths to scan.
- property excluded_paths: List[Pattern]¶
Get a list of regexes used to match paths to exclude from the scan
- excluded_signatures¶
Get a list of the signatures of findings to be excluded from the scan results.
- Returns
The signatures to be excluded from scan results
- hex_entropy_limit¶
Returns low entropy limit for suspicious hexadecimal encodings
- property included_paths: List[Pattern]¶
Get a list of regexes used as an exclusive list of paths to scan
- property issues: List[Issue]¶
Get a list of issues found during the scan.
If the scan is still in progress, force it to complete first.
- Returns
Any issues found during the scan.
- static rule_matches(rule, string, line, path)¶
Match string and path against rule.
- property rules_regexes: Set[Rule]¶
Get a set of regular expressions to scan the code for.
- Raises
types.ConfigException – If there was a problem compiling the rules
- scan()¶
Run the requested scans against the target data.
This will iterate through all chunks of data as provided by the scanner implementation, and run all requested scans against it, as specified in self.global_options.
The scan method is thread-safe; if multiple concurrent scans are requested, the first will run to completion while other callers are blocked (after which they will each execute in turn, yielding cached issues without repeating the underlying repository scan).
- Raises
types.ConfigException – If there were problems with the scanner’s configuration
- Return type
- scan_entropy(chunk)¶
Scan a chunk of data for apparent high entropy.
- scan_regex(chunk)¶
Scan a chunk of data for matches against the configured regexes.
- should_scan(file_path)¶
Check if the a file path should be included in analysis.
If non-empty, self.included_paths has precedence over self.excluded_paths, such that a file path that is not matched by any of the defined self.included_paths will be excluded, even when it is not matched by any of the defined self.excluded_paths. If either self.included_paths or self.excluded_paths are undefined or empty, they will have no effect, respectively. All file paths are included by this function when no inclusions or exclusions exist.
- signature_is_excluded(blob, file_path)¶
Find whether the signature of some data has been excluded in configuration.
- class tartufo.scanner.GitPreCommitScanner(global_options, repo_path, include_submodules)[source]¶
For use in a git pre-commit hook.
- Parameters
global_options (
) – The options provided to the top-level tartufo commandrepo_path (
) – The local filesystem path pointing to the repositoryinclude_submodules (
) – Whether to scan git submodules in the repository
- _iter_diff_index(diff)¶
Iterate over a “diff index”, yielding the individual file changes.
A “diff index” is essentially analogous to a single commit in the git history. So what this does is iterate over a single commit, and yield the changes to each individual file in that commit, along with its file path. This will also check the file path and ensure that it has not been excluded from the scan by configuration.
Note that binary files are wholly skipped.
- b64_entropy_limit¶
Returns low entropy limit for suspicious base64 encodings
- static calculate_entropy(data)¶
Calculate the Shannon entropy for a piece of data.
This essentially calculates the overall probability for each character in data to be to be present. By doing this, we can tell how random a string appears to be.
Adapted from http://blog.dkbza.org/2007/05/scanning-data-for-entropy-anomalies.html
- property chunks¶
Yield the individual file changes currently staged for commit.
- property completed: bool¶
Return True if scan has completed
- Returns
True if scan has completed; False if scan is in progress
- compute_scaled_entropy_limit(maximum_bitrate)¶
Determine low entropy cutoff for specified bitrate
- property config_data: MutableMapping[str, Any]¶
Supplemental configuration to be merged into the *_options information.
- entropy_string_is_excluded(string, line, path)¶
Find whether the signature of some data has been excluded in configuration.
- evaluate_entropy_string(chunk, line, string, min_entropy_score)¶
Check entropy string using entropy characters and score.
- property excluded_entropy: List[Rule]¶
Get a list of regexes used as an exclusive list of paths to scan.
- property excluded_paths: List[Pattern]¶
Get a list of regexes used to match paths to exclude from the scan
- excluded_signatures¶
Get a list of the signatures of findings to be excluded from the scan results.
- Returns
The signatures to be excluded from scan results
- filter_submodules(repo)¶
Exclude all git submodules and their contents from being scanned.
- Parameters
repo (
) – The repository being scanned- Return type
- static header_length(diff)¶
Compute the length of the git diff header text.
- hex_entropy_limit¶
Returns low entropy limit for suspicious hexadecimal encodings
- property included_paths: List[Pattern]¶
Get a list of regexes used as an exclusive list of paths to scan
- property issues: List[Issue]¶
Get a list of issues found during the scan.
If the scan is still in progress, force it to complete first.
- Returns
Any issues found during the scan.
- load_repo(repo_path)[source]¶
Load and return the repository to be scanned.
- Parameters
repo_path (
) – The local filesystem path pointing to the repository- Raises
types.GitLocalException – If there was a problem loading the repository
- Return type
- static rule_matches(rule, string, line, path)¶
Match string and path against rule.
- property rules_regexes: Set[Rule]¶
Get a set of regular expressions to scan the code for.
- Raises
types.ConfigException – If there was a problem compiling the rules
- scan()¶
Run the requested scans against the target data.
This will iterate through all chunks of data as provided by the scanner implementation, and run all requested scans against it, as specified in self.global_options.
The scan method is thread-safe; if multiple concurrent scans are requested, the first will run to completion while other callers are blocked (after which they will each execute in turn, yielding cached issues without repeating the underlying repository scan).
- Raises
types.ConfigException – If there were problems with the scanner’s configuration
- Return type
- scan_entropy(chunk)¶
Scan a chunk of data for apparent high entropy.
- scan_regex(chunk)¶
Scan a chunk of data for matches against the configured regexes.
- should_scan(file_path)¶
Check if the a file path should be included in analysis.
If non-empty, self.included_paths has precedence over self.excluded_paths, such that a file path that is not matched by any of the defined self.included_paths will be excluded, even when it is not matched by any of the defined self.excluded_paths. If either self.included_paths or self.excluded_paths are undefined or empty, they will have no effect, respectively. All file paths are included by this function when no inclusions or exclusions exist.
- signature_is_excluded(blob, file_path)¶
Find whether the signature of some data has been excluded in configuration.
- class tartufo.scanner.GitRepoScanner(global_options, git_options, repo_path)[source]¶
Used for scanning a full clone of a git repository.
- Parameters
global_options (
) – The options provided to the top-level tartufo commandgit_options (
) – The options specific to interacting with a git repositoryrepo_path (
) – The local filesystem path pointing to the repository
- _iter_diff_index(diff)¶
Iterate over a “diff index”, yielding the individual file changes.
A “diff index” is essentially analogous to a single commit in the git history. So what this does is iterate over a single commit, and yield the changes to each individual file in that commit, along with its file path. This will also check the file path and ensure that it has not been excluded from the scan by configuration.
Note that binary files are wholly skipped.
- b64_entropy_limit¶
Returns low entropy limit for suspicious base64 encodings
- static calculate_entropy(data)¶
Calculate the Shannon entropy for a piece of data.
This essentially calculates the overall probability for each character in data to be to be present. By doing this, we can tell how random a string appears to be.
Adapted from http://blog.dkbza.org/2007/05/scanning-data-for-entropy-anomalies.html
- property chunks: Generator[Chunk, None, None]¶
Yield individual diffs from the repository’s history.
- Raises
types.GitRemoteException – If there was an error fetching branches
- property completed: bool¶
Return True if scan has completed
- Returns
True if scan has completed; False if scan is in progress
- compute_scaled_entropy_limit(maximum_bitrate)¶
Determine low entropy cutoff for specified bitrate
- property config_data: MutableMapping[str, Any]¶
Supplemental configuration to be merged into the *_options information.
- entropy_string_is_excluded(string, line, path)¶
Find whether the signature of some data has been excluded in configuration.
- evaluate_entropy_string(chunk, line, string, min_entropy_score)¶
Check entropy string using entropy characters and score.
- property excluded_entropy: List[Rule]¶
Get a list of regexes used as an exclusive list of paths to scan.
- property excluded_paths: List[Pattern]¶
Get a list of regexes used to match paths to exclude from the scan
- excluded_signatures¶
Get a list of the signatures of findings to be excluded from the scan results.
- Returns
The signatures to be excluded from scan results
- filter_submodules(repo)¶
Exclude all git submodules and their contents from being scanned.
- Parameters
repo (
) – The repository being scanned- Return type
- static header_length(diff)¶
Compute the length of the git diff header text.
- hex_entropy_limit¶
Returns low entropy limit for suspicious hexadecimal encodings
- property included_paths: List[Pattern]¶
Get a list of regexes used as an exclusive list of paths to scan
- property issues: List[Issue]¶
Get a list of issues found during the scan.
If the scan is still in progress, force it to complete first.
- Returns
Any issues found during the scan.
- load_repo(repo_path)[source]¶
Load and return the repository to be scanned.
- Parameters
repo_path (
) – The local filesystem path pointing to the repository- Raises
types.GitLocalException – If there was a problem loading the repository
- Return type
- static rule_matches(rule, string, line, path)¶
Match string and path against rule.
- property rules_regexes: Set[Rule]¶
Get a set of regular expressions to scan the code for.
- Raises
types.ConfigException – If there was a problem compiling the rules
- scan()¶
Run the requested scans against the target data.
This will iterate through all chunks of data as provided by the scanner implementation, and run all requested scans against it, as specified in self.global_options.
The scan method is thread-safe; if multiple concurrent scans are requested, the first will run to completion while other callers are blocked (after which they will each execute in turn, yielding cached issues without repeating the underlying repository scan).
- Raises
types.ConfigException – If there were problems with the scanner’s configuration
- Return type
- scan_entropy(chunk)¶
Scan a chunk of data for apparent high entropy.
- scan_regex(chunk)¶
Scan a chunk of data for matches against the configured regexes.
- should_scan(file_path)¶
Check if the a file path should be included in analysis.
If non-empty, self.included_paths has precedence over self.excluded_paths, such that a file path that is not matched by any of the defined self.included_paths will be excluded, even when it is not matched by any of the defined self.excluded_paths. If either self.included_paths or self.excluded_paths are undefined or empty, they will have no effect, respectively. All file paths are included by this function when no inclusions or exclusions exist.
- signature_is_excluded(blob, file_path)¶
Find whether the signature of some data has been excluded in configuration.
- class tartufo.scanner.GitScanner(global_options, repo_path)[source]¶
A base class for scanners looking at git history.
This is a lightweight base class to provide some basic functionality needed across all scanner that are interacting with git history.
- Parameters
global_options (
) – The options provided to the top-level tartufo commandrepo_path (
) – The local filesystem path pointing to the repository
- _iter_diff_index(diff)[source]¶
Iterate over a “diff index”, yielding the individual file changes.
A “diff index” is essentially analogous to a single commit in the git history. So what this does is iterate over a single commit, and yield the changes to each individual file in that commit, along with its file path. This will also check the file path and ensure that it has not been excluded from the scan by configuration.
Note that binary files are wholly skipped.
- b64_entropy_limit¶
Returns low entropy limit for suspicious base64 encodings
- static calculate_entropy(data)¶
Calculate the Shannon entropy for a piece of data.
This essentially calculates the overall probability for each character in data to be to be present. By doing this, we can tell how random a string appears to be.
Adapted from http://blog.dkbza.org/2007/05/scanning-data-for-entropy-anomalies.html
- abstract property chunks: Generator[Chunk, None, None]¶
Yield “chunks” of data to be scanned.
Examples of “chunks” would be individual git commit diffs, or the contents of individual files.
- property completed: bool¶
Return True if scan has completed
- Returns
True if scan has completed; False if scan is in progress
- compute_scaled_entropy_limit(maximum_bitrate)¶
Determine low entropy cutoff for specified bitrate
- property config_data: MutableMapping[str, Any]¶
Supplemental configuration to be merged into the *_options information.
- entropy_string_is_excluded(string, line, path)¶
Find whether the signature of some data has been excluded in configuration.
- evaluate_entropy_string(chunk, line, string, min_entropy_score)¶
Check entropy string using entropy characters and score.
- property excluded_entropy: List[Rule]¶
Get a list of regexes used as an exclusive list of paths to scan.
- property excluded_paths: List[Pattern]¶
Get a list of regexes used to match paths to exclude from the scan
- excluded_signatures¶
Get a list of the signatures of findings to be excluded from the scan results.
- Returns
The signatures to be excluded from scan results
- filter_submodules(repo)[source]¶
Exclude all git submodules and their contents from being scanned.
- Parameters
repo (
) – The repository being scanned- Return type
- hex_entropy_limit¶
Returns low entropy limit for suspicious hexadecimal encodings
- property included_paths: List[Pattern]¶
Get a list of regexes used as an exclusive list of paths to scan
- property issues: List[Issue]¶
Get a list of issues found during the scan.
If the scan is still in progress, force it to complete first.
- Returns
Any issues found during the scan.
- abstract load_repo(repo_path)[source]¶
Load and return the repository to be scanned.
- Parameters
repo_path (
) – The local filesystem path pointing to the repository- Raises
types.GitLocalException – If there was a problem loading the repository
- Return type
- static rule_matches(rule, string, line, path)¶
Match string and path against rule.
- property rules_regexes: Set[Rule]¶
Get a set of regular expressions to scan the code for.
- Raises
types.ConfigException – If there was a problem compiling the rules
- scan()¶
Run the requested scans against the target data.
This will iterate through all chunks of data as provided by the scanner implementation, and run all requested scans against it, as specified in self.global_options.
The scan method is thread-safe; if multiple concurrent scans are requested, the first will run to completion while other callers are blocked (after which they will each execute in turn, yielding cached issues without repeating the underlying repository scan).
- Raises
types.ConfigException – If there were problems with the scanner’s configuration
- Return type
- scan_entropy(chunk)¶
Scan a chunk of data for apparent high entropy.
- scan_regex(chunk)¶
Scan a chunk of data for matches against the configured regexes.
- should_scan(file_path)¶
Check if the a file path should be included in analysis.
If non-empty, self.included_paths has precedence over self.excluded_paths, such that a file path that is not matched by any of the defined self.included_paths will be excluded, even when it is not matched by any of the defined self.excluded_paths. If either self.included_paths or self.excluded_paths are undefined or empty, they will have no effect, respectively. All file paths are included by this function when no inclusions or exclusions exist.
- signature_is_excluded(blob, file_path)¶
Find whether the signature of some data has been excluded in configuration.
- class tartufo.scanner.Issue(issue_type, matched_string, chunk)[source]¶
Represent an issue found while scanning a target.
- Parameters
- class tartufo.scanner.ScannerBase(options)[source]¶
Provide the base, generic functionality needed by all scanners.
In fact, this contains all of the actual scanning logic. This part of the application should never differ; the part that differs, and the part that is left abstract here, is what content is provided to the various scans. For this reason, the chunks property is left abstract. It is up to the various scanners to implement this property, in the form of a generator, to yield all the individual pieces of content to be scanned.
- Parameters
options (
) – A set of options to control the behavior of the scanner
- b64_entropy_limit¶
Returns low entropy limit for suspicious base64 encodings
- static calculate_entropy(data)[source]¶
Calculate the Shannon entropy for a piece of data.
This essentially calculates the overall probability for each character in data to be to be present. By doing this, we can tell how random a string appears to be.
Adapted from http://blog.dkbza.org/2007/05/scanning-data-for-entropy-anomalies.html
- abstract property chunks: Generator[Chunk, None, None]¶
Yield “chunks” of data to be scanned.
Examples of “chunks” would be individual git commit diffs, or the contents of individual files.
- property completed: bool¶
Return True if scan has completed
- Returns
True if scan has completed; False if scan is in progress
- compute_scaled_entropy_limit(maximum_bitrate)[source]¶
Determine low entropy cutoff for specified bitrate
- property config_data: MutableMapping[str, Any]¶
Supplemental configuration to be merged into the *_options information.
- entropy_string_is_excluded(string, line, path)[source]¶
Find whether the signature of some data has been excluded in configuration.
- evaluate_entropy_string(chunk, line, string, min_entropy_score)[source]¶
Check entropy string using entropy characters and score.
- property excluded_entropy: List[Rule]¶
Get a list of regexes used as an exclusive list of paths to scan.
- property excluded_paths: List[Pattern]¶
Get a list of regexes used to match paths to exclude from the scan
- excluded_signatures¶
Get a list of the signatures of findings to be excluded from the scan results.
- Returns
The signatures to be excluded from scan results
- hex_entropy_limit¶
Returns low entropy limit for suspicious hexadecimal encodings
- property included_paths: List[Pattern]¶
Get a list of regexes used as an exclusive list of paths to scan
- property issues: List[Issue]¶
Get a list of issues found during the scan.
If the scan is still in progress, force it to complete first.
- Returns
Any issues found during the scan.
- property rules_regexes: Set[Rule]¶
Get a set of regular expressions to scan the code for.
- Raises
types.ConfigException – If there was a problem compiling the rules
- scan()[source]¶
Run the requested scans against the target data.
This will iterate through all chunks of data as provided by the scanner implementation, and run all requested scans against it, as specified in self.global_options.
The scan method is thread-safe; if multiple concurrent scans are requested, the first will run to completion while other callers are blocked (after which they will each execute in turn, yielding cached issues without repeating the underlying repository scan).
- Raises
types.ConfigException – If there were problems with the scanner’s configuration
- Return type
- should_scan(file_path)[source]¶
Check if the a file path should be included in analysis.
If non-empty, self.included_paths has precedence over self.excluded_paths, such that a file path that is not matched by any of the defined self.included_paths will be excluded, even when it is not matched by any of the defined self.excluded_paths. If either self.included_paths or self.excluded_paths are undefined or empty, they will have no effect, respectively. All file paths are included by this function when no inclusions or exclusions exist.
- class tartufo.types.Chunk(contents, file_path, metadata, is_diff)[source]¶
A single “chunk” of text to be inspected during a scan
- exception tartufo.types.ConfigException[source]¶
Raised if there is a problem with the configuration
- exception tartufo.types.GitLocalException[source]¶
Raised if there is an error interacting with a local git repository
- class tartufo.types.GitOptions(since_commit, max_depth, branch, include_submodules, progress)[source]¶
Configuration options specific to git-based scans
- exception tartufo.types.GitRemoteException[source]¶
Raised if there is an error interacting with a remote git repository
- class tartufo.types.GlobalOptions(rule_patterns, default_regexes, entropy, regex, scan_filenames, include_path_patterns, exclude_path_patterns, exclude_entropy_patterns, exclude_signatures, output_dir, temp_dir, buffer_size, git_rules_repo, git_rules_files, config, verbose, quiet, log_timestamps, output_format, entropy_sensitivity)[source]¶
Configuration options for controlling scans and output
- Parameters
rule_patterns (
]) – Dictionaries containing regex patterns to match againstdefault_regexes (
) – Whether to include built-in regex patterns in the scanentropy (
) – Whether to enable entropy scansregex (
) – Whether to enable regular expression scansscan_filenames (
) – Whether to check filenames for potential secretsinclude_path_patterns (
]) – An exclusive list of paths to be scannedexclude_path_patterns (
]) – A list of paths to be excluded from the scanexclude_entropy_patterns (
]) – Patterns to be excluded from entropy matchesexclude_signatures (
]) – Signatures of previously found findings to be excluded from the list of current findingsexclude_findings – Signatures of previously found findings to be excluded from the list of current findings
output_dir (
]) – A directory where detailed findings results will be writtentemp_dir (
]) – A directory where temporary files will be writtenbuffer_size (
) – Maximum number of issues that will be buffered on the heapgit_rules_repo (
]) – A remote git repository where additional rules can be foundgit_rules_files (
]) – The files in the remote rules repository to load the rules fromconfig (
]) – A configuration file from which default values are pulledverbose (
) – How verbose the scanner should be with its loggingquiet (
) – Whether to suppress all outputlog_timestamps (
) – Whether to include timestamps in log outputoutput_format (
]) – What format should be output from the scanentropy_sensitivity (
) – A number from 0 - 100 representing the sensitivity of entropy scans. A value of 0 will detect totally non-random values, while a value of 100 will detect only wholly random values.
- class tartufo.types.OutputFormat(value)[source]¶
The formats in which tartufo is able to output issue summaries
- class tartufo.types.Rule(name, pattern, path_pattern, re_match_type, re_match_scope)[source]¶
A regular expression rule to be used for inspecting text during a scan
- Parameters
- tartufo.util.clone_git_repo(git_url, target_dir=None)[source]¶
Clone a remote git repository and return its filesystem path.
- Parameters
- Return type
- Returns
Filesystem path of local clone and name of remote source
- Raises
types.GitRemoteException – If there was an error cloning the repository
- tartufo.util.del_rw(_func, name, _exc)[source]¶
Attempt to grant permission to and force deletion of a file.
This is used as an error handler for shutil.rmtree.
- tartufo.util.echo_result(options, scanner, repo_path, output_dir)[source]¶
Print all found issues out to the console, optionally as JSON.
- Parameters
options (
) – Global options objectscanner (
) – ScannerBase containing issues and excluded paths from config treerepo_path (
) – The path to the repository the issues were found inoutput_dir (
]) – The directory that issue details were written out to
- Return type
- tartufo.util.extract_commit_metadata(commit, branch_name)[source]¶
Grab a consistent set of metadata from a git commit, for user output.
- tartufo.util.find_strings_by_regex(text, regex, threshold=20)[source]¶
Locate strings (“words”) of interest in input text
Each returned string must have a length, at minimum, equal to threshold. This is meant to return longer strings which are likely to be things like auto-generated passwords, tokens, hashes, etc.
- tartufo.util.generate_signature(snippet, filename)[source]¶
Generate a stable hash signature for an issue found in a commit.
These signatures are used for configuring excluded/approved issues, such as secrets intentionally embedded in tests.
- tartufo.util.is_shallow_clone(repo)[source]¶
Determine whether a repository is a shallow clone
This is used to work around https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/issues/3058 Basically, any time a git repository is a “shallow” clone (it was cloned with –max-depth N), git will create a file at .git/shallow. So we simply need to test whether that file exists to know whether we are interacting with a shallow repository.
- Parameters
repo (
) – The repository to check for “shallowness”- Return type
- tartufo.util.path_contains_git(path)[source]¶
Determine whether a filesystem path contains a git repository.
- tartufo.util.process_issues(repo_path, scan, options)[source]¶
Handle post-scan processing/reporting of a batch of issues.
- Parameters
repo_path (
) – The repository that was scannedscan (
) – The scanner that performed the scanoptions (
) – The options to use for determining output
- Return type