Would you like to know more?¶
If the other documentation left you wondering what to do with the results of your scans, and unsure how to get rid of those pesky leaked secrets, then look no further!
End-to-End Example¶
An End-to-End example walkthrough of a tartufo
scan and the process of
purging the dirty evil passwords that somehow ended up in your code commits. We
will use an additional tool: BFG
More on this later!)
OPTIONAL Development only: Setup poetry if you want to use the most recent non-released build from github (may not be stable)
This project uses Poetry to manage its dependencies and do a lot of the heavy lifting. So you’ll need to clone the tartufo repo and setup poetry!
git clone git@github.com:godaddy/tartufo.git
Development Use Only Poetry Setup: Setting up a development environment
Clone your repo!
Select and clone the repo you want to run tartufo on
# Clone your repo, variables used later: GITHUBPROJECT="yourproject" GITHUBREPO="myrepo.git" GITHUBADDRESS="github.com" git clone --mirror git@${GITHUBADDRESS}:${GITHUBPROJECT}/${GITHUBREPO}
to scan your repository and find any secrets in its history!Scan your repo!
# Run Tartufo on your repo and create a list of high entropy items to remove: tartufo --regex --output-format json scan-local-repo ${GITHUBREPO} | \ jq -r '.found_issues[].matched_string' | \ sort -u > remove.txt
Now you have a “bad password” file! Take a look through it, see if anything is wrong. This file will be used by
to replace these flagged “bad password” entries with***REMOVED***
It is important that you read through this file to make sure there are not exceptions that you want to remove and exclude with tartufo! Read more about configuring exclusions here: Scan Limiting (Exclusions)
Cleanup repo using
and the above remove.txt fileThere’s a very slick tool designed to clean up git commit history called BFG. By default,
doesn’t modify the contents of your latest commit on your main (or ‘HEAD’) branch, even though it will clean all the commits before it. This of course means if you have active code with “bad passwords”,tartufo
will still fail. But let’s take the bulk of the old entries out first.# Cleanup with BFG wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/madgag/bfg/1.13.2/bfg-1.13.2.jar # Make a backup cp -r ${GITHUBREPO} backup_${GITHUBREPO} java -jar bfg-1.13.2.jar --replace-text remove.txt ${GITHUBREPO}
Uh Oh!
Occasionally the results will be too big to process all at once. If that happens, simply split up the results and loop through them.
# occasionally the results will be to big to process all at once split -l 200 remove.txt for f in x*; do java -jar bfg-1.13.2.jar --replace-text $f ${GITHUBREPO}; done
Proceed with cleanup/audit
Now you have removed the low hanging fruit, it’s time to look at the tough stuff
# run tartufo again to check for any remaining potential secrets leftovers=`tartufo --regex -od ~/temp scan-local-repo ${GITHUBREPO}` tmppath=`echo -e "$leftovers" | tail -n1 | awk '{print $6}'` # look through the remaining strings # if there's anything that looks like it shouldn't be there, dig into it and clear it out cat ${tmppath}/* | jq '. | " \(.file_path) \(.matched_string) \(.signature)"' | sort -u
Take a good look at the output of the above, make sure there are no secrets or other sensitive data remaining.
Now you are going to exclude the signatures for the remaining items (which you have verified are non-risk)
# now you are ready to ignore those webhook urls: cat ${tmppath}/* | jq -r '.signature' | sort -u > allsignatures.txt sed -i -e 's/$/\",/g' -e 's/^/ \"/g' allsignatures.txt linestr=`grep -n 'exclude-signatures = \[' tartufo.toml` line=`echo $linestr | cut -d ":" -f 1` line=$(($line+1)) { head -n $(($line-1)) tartufo.toml; cat allsignatures.txt; tail -n +$line tartufo.toml; } > tartufo.toml_new mv tartufo.toml tartufo.toml_bak mv tartufo.toml_new tartufo.toml # one final run to make sure your signatures are all set tartufo --regex scan-local-repo ${gitrepo}
Once you are happy with the data that is being stored, time to commit the changes back up!
This does a force push, effectively rewriting the history of your git repository!
After doing this, you will want to be absolutely certain that all users who have previously cloned this repository pull down a fresh clone in order to prevent re-introducing the former bad history.
cd ${GITHUBREPO} git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive git push
Danger Will Robinson, Danger!
You MAY get an error (example error below). If so, keep reading!
(.venv) you@LTDV-you:~/tartufo/yourrepo.git$ git push Counting objects: 1014, done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (359/359), done. Writing objects: 100% (1014/1014), 130.35 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 1014 (delta 662), reused 964 (delta 638) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (662/662), completed with 24 local objects. To git@GITHUBADDRESS:yourproject/yourrepo.git + 56f7476...c76ed2b main -> main (forced update) ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/1/head -> refs/pull/1/head (deny updating a hidden ref) ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/2/head -> refs/pull/2/head (deny updating a hidden ref) ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/3/head -> refs/pull/3/head (deny updating a hidden ref) ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/4/head -> refs/pull/4/head (deny updating a hidden ref) ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/5/head -> refs/pull/5/head (deny updating a hidden ref) ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/6/head -> refs/pull/6/head (deny updating a hidden ref) ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/7/head -> refs/pull/7/head (deny updating a hidden ref) ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/8/head -> refs/pull/8/head (deny updating a hidden ref) ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/9/head -> refs/pull/9/head (deny updating a hidden ref) error: failed to push some refs to 'git@GITHUBADDRESS:yourproject/yourrepo.git' (.venv) you@LTDV-you:~/tartufo/yourrepo.git$
If you get the above error, it might actually be okay; simply re-run
from your main branch. Only continue with the below steps if there are results that are not clean. Please note, this solution will remove PR history (but not commit history):# create a new blank repo, put the name below NEWGITHUBREPO="my-repo-tartufoized.git" cd ../ rm -rf ${GITHUBREPO} # Create a bare clone of the repository. git clone --bare git@${GITHUBADDRESS}:${GITHUBPROJECT}/${GITHUBREPO} # Mirror-push to the new temporary repository cd ${GITHUBREPO} git push --mirror git@${GITHUBADDRESS}:${GITHUBPROJECT}/${NEWGITHUBREPO} cd .. rm -rf ${GITHUBREPO} # bare clones are missing data, it is easier to re-clone the repo now that it does not have PRs git clone git@${GITHUBADDRESS}:${GITHUBPROJECT}/${NEWGITHUBREPO} # Now run bfg java -jar bfg-1.13.2.jar --replace-text remove.txt ${NEWGITHUBREPO} cd ${NEWGITHUBREPO} git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive git push # re-run tartufo on new repo tartufo --regex -od ~/temp scan-remote-repo git@${GITHUBADDRESS}:${GITHUBPROJECT}/${NEWGITHUBREPO} # should have very little (if any) output. check the newly outputed results in the given tmp folder ls ~/temp/tartufo-scan-results-/ | wc -l